Books And Beats 10/2

Happy Monday, friends! Here at The Five Sixteen Co. we have a mission to equip you with truth and resources to let your light shine -- so, we're popping in to do just that! Here are a few books, beats (music), and Bible verses to carry you through the week.

Books we're loving:

Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation by Collin Hansen

Note: I’m only about halfway through this book so far, so I’m sure you’ll hear more from me about it soon.
I’m typically a paper-book kind of gal, but was encouraged to listen to this on Audible - and I’m so glad I went that route. There’s something special about listening to a book be read aloud by the author; you get more of the nuance, emphases, and personality behind the words on the page as they were intended. There’s much to say about how well it is written and organized, but what I walk away from the book thinking about most so far is the impact of faithful people around us. The formation of Tim Keller as the author, pastor, and preacher we knew him as took place over many decades and as a result of the Lord working through and using the gifts of many faithful people along the way - some names we recognize and revere, and some names we would never know otherwise. As I consider the lives Tim Keller’s life and ministry has reached with the good news of Christ or the pastors and teachers who have been shaped by his approach to ministry and apologetics, I think back to stories from this book - stories of the seeds that were planted, watered, and pruned by so many people along the way. Odds are that you and I will not all become well-known authors, quotable pastors, or famous Christians of any kind - but the reality is that we all have a duty to live faithful lives and a responsibility to pour into and disciple people along the way. We may never know the impact of our work on this side of heaven, but Tim Keller’s life and legacy are proof that God uses both the well-known Christian leaders and the behind-the-scenes believers to impact others in ways beyond what we can fathom.

Beats we can't get enough of:

Josiah Queen

You may have stumbled upon Josiah like I did, hearing a clip of his song “The Prodigal” behind Reels and TikToks. I’ve been really inspired and encouraged by independent Christian artists like him lately - the guys that aren’t writing songs formulated to get them a #1 Christian radio hit. The are writing from the overflow of their hearts with a desire to share Christ with their peers and the next generation are going to change the world - I really believe that. Josiah’s indie-folk, storyteller style conveys the truths of the gospel in simple, clear, and personal ways.

Bible verses we're meditating on:

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)


5 Black Friday Book Deals


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