The New Song I'm Singing

My prayer the past couple of months has been for the Lord to give me a new song to sing.

I didn't know what exactly I was asking for when I began praying, I was just longing for something fresh to bloom in the depths of my weary soul. I didn't know if a new song meant a refreshed spirit or a different state of mind or a literal song.

I've been finding myself getting lost in the Psalms referring to new songs, yearning for understanding and crying out to feel the joy that the Psalmists must have felt when they declared that the Lord put a new song in their heart.

As I journeyed through the Psalms and through the book of Lamentations, phrases I read were sticking with me, clinging to my heart; I couldn't shake them off.

I began to see the linking together of these verses written so long ago. They were telling the story of God's people, the aches of their heart, the struggles of their soul.

They were telling the story of the Lord's redemption of and care for His people.

They were telling the story of my turmoil in a way I could not do myself.

My new song, tells the story of my weary soul being pulled out of the pits by my loving Father.

It speaks Truth and Promises for me to cling to as I continue to walk with Him.

Here I am in the deepest and darkest despair
Here I am in the valley of shadows
I know You are near, but I cannot see You
Why have You hidden Your face from me?

Why are you cast down o my soul, my soul
Why are you in turmoil against me
Why does my heart ache when I should feel joy
Where have You gone, God of Comfort?

You lifted me up
And You called me out
You brought me from darkness into Light
You gave me a new song
To proclaim Your glory
You found me worthy to save

As You bend down to listen, Lord hear my cry
Please do not forget me
You know when I sit and when I rise
Lord, won't You walk with me?

You lifted me up
And You called me out
You brought me from darkness into Light
You gave me a new song
To proclaim Your glory
You found me worthy to save

Preserve me, O Lord, in You I take refuge
You are my God, I'm no good without You
You're my chosen portion and great delight
Your words are pure and your promises right

You lifted me up
And You called me out
You brought me from darkness into Light
You gave me a new song
To proclaim Your glory
You found me worthy to save, worthy to save


God Says No; Why Can't I?


A New Song