A COVID-19 Prayer


In the midst of chaos, You are peace.

In the midst of uncertainty, You are true.

In the midst of a global pandemic, You are working all things together for Your glory and our good.

While we may not know the full extent of Your purpose in this, my prayer is that You allow us glimpses into why this is happening.

I know disease and sickness are results of the fall. But I also know You are sovereign. I know that You are in complete control.

I believe You can and will use this time to teach us and grow us to be more like You.

We live in a fast-based, hyper-efficient world where work precedes our mental and physical health, family, friends, and You. Help us, God, to slow down. To take stock of our lives. To refocus on You. To be present.

May we use this time wisely. May we be patient, kind, and understanding. May we show grace.

Lord, as we are in our homes, isolated like we may have never been before, protect us. Protect our hearts from loneliness. Protect our minds from anxious thoughts. Protect us from restless, reckless decisions that come from being tempted when we think we are alone.

Help us remember You are always near. Help us remember our neighbors, our friends, our loved ones - because we were made for community with others. Thank You for technology that allows us to remain connected.

Holy Spirit, I pray You would move among us.

May we be thankful for the challenge of “doing church” differently. May we be grateful for being pushed out of our comfort zone. May we seek out opportunities to BE the church in this time. May we look for ways to make You known.

Just as You allowed persecution to scatter the church in Jerusalem, forcing the gospel out into the world centuries ago, I pray we will be able to look back and see how You allowed something as crazy as a global pandemic to spread the good news of Christ to places it had not been before, maybe even in ways it had not been done before.

And friends, for you I pray specifically that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)



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