Shine Brightly in the Small Things

"Living for His glory is not about building the biggest ministry or winning the most people but about faithfully telling people about my King, wherever He leads me. In fact, His glory often shines even more brightly in the small, quiet, unseen things we do for Him."

(Marshall Segal, "Not Yet Married" p. 34)

Anyone else struggling to remember this truth in their daily lives?

We so often compare our personal ministry to the ministry of Christian missionaries, speakers, authors, and "influencers." We get in our head that bigger is better, more sacrifice yields more reward, that in order to make a difference for the Kingdom we need to be the next Martin Luther, Billy Graham, or Sadie Robertson.

But that's simply not true. Sure, I've seen God shine brightly through the lives of big-name Christians like John Piper and David Platt, but I've also felt the warmth of that light through the lives of people you've probably never heard of before, who have no "claim to fame" in our culture today.

In many ways, my life has been shaped by more of the "ordinary" people pursuing Christ faithfully than the celebrity Christians on Instagram.Yet I still forget. And I still compare. And I still think being faithful in the "small things" isn't enough for God.

I spent roughly 6 months in Honduras last year. I quit my job, made plans to move there permanently, and then got hit with some circumstances that left me back in my hometown feeling like a bit of a failure and disappointment to others. I was in the mindset that I had let God down, that being home was a less important place to be.

Then a sweet mentor and friend spoke some truth to me, saying, "Just because something seems like it requires less sacrifice doesn't means it will be any less fruitful." Wow. She was so right. My people-pleasing, good-image-desiring self had been so reluctant to see that. I was convinced that without doing something wildly sacrificial, I'd be of no use to God. But the reality is, the sacrifice of my time and energy for the kingdom can be just as fruitful whether I'm living in a developing country or in my aunt and uncle's spare bedroom.

With this in mind, I began asking God to help me see His purpose for having me here right now. And He has been so faithful to answer, affirming that He has fruitful work prepared for me during this season. He has provided me with an opportunity to disciple a few college-aged girls, even allowing me to walk with one of them as she surrendered her life to Christ. He has provided me with an opportunity to serve as a care team coordinator at my church, allowing me to have some hands on experience before I start seminary for counseling in the fall! He has provided me with opportunities to spend time loving on family members, reading and studying His word, exploring local cross-cultural ministries, and investing in my physical and mental health.

Two months ago, these opportunities would have seemed second-rate to me. I had the mindset that if I wasn't pinching pennies, sweating buckets, and speaking choppy Spanish phrases, I wasn't doing kingdom work. But God has been so kind and gracious to show me that He shines just as brightly in the small, quiet, unseen things I do.

And the reality is, these small things are really big things because they mean I'm being obedient to what God is calling me to, wherever He leads me. (Yes, even when He leads me back to my hometown.)

So, friends, if you're struggling to remember this truth, I want to encourage you. Fight to stop comparing yourself to well-known Christians. We're all on the same team, being used in unique ways to accomplish Christ's mission. It's not a competition. Simply ask God to help you see the opportunities He has for you to serve Him in the little (and the big) things. Practice saying yes to the things the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. Let God's light shine brightly in the small, quiet, unseen things you do for Him each day.

Jesus said it best in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before others, so they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father in heaven." What's one way you can let your light shine this week?


A COVID-19 Prayer


People Are Leaving - convictions of an American living in a country so many are fleeing